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Inde Balance Commerciale
Dernière Version
nov. 30, 2024
Unités En
USD Million
Prochaine version
janv. 15, 2025
Délai de Sortie
28 Jours 11 Heures
Plus haut | Plus bas | Moyenne | Intervalle de Dates | Source |
0.79 juin 2020 | -37.84 nov. 2024 | -3.81 USD Million | 1957-2024 | N/A |
Dernières Mises à Jour
The merchandise trade deficit in India was at $37.8 billion in November of 2024, the highest on record, widening sharply from the $20.6 billion shortfall from the corresponding period of the previous year, and well ahead of expectations that centered around a $23 billion deficit. Imports soared by 27% from the previous year to $69.95 billion, also a record high. In turn, exports dropped by 5.3% annually to $32.1 billion, the lowest in two years.
Inde Balance Commerciale Historique
Dernières 12 lectures