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Brunéi Darussalam Balance Commerciale
Dernière Version
oct. 31, 2024
Unités En
BND Million
Prochaine version
Délai de Sortie
Plus haut | Plus bas | Moyenne | Intervalle de Dates | Source |
2,971.45 sept. 2008 | -513.5 juin 2021 | 706.9 BND Million | 2005-2024 | N/A |
Dernières Mises à Jour
Brunei's trade surplus increased to BND 429.2 million in November 2024 from BND 404.0 million in the same month a year earlier, as imports shrank more than exports. Purchases tumbled 23.3% year-on-year to BND 724.1 million, largely due to significant declines in mineral fuels (-29.8%) and machinery and transport equipment (-36.0%). The largest shares of imports came from Malaysia (32.8%), the United Arab Emirates (14.1%), Saudi Arabia (14.0%, Australia (11.5%), and China (7.8%). Meanwhile, exports dropped at a slower 14.5% to a five-month low of BND 1,153.3 million, due to an 11.4% fall in mineral fuels and chemicals (-33.2%). The highest shares of exports were to Australia (22.7%), China (14.8%), Malaysia (11.9%), Japan (10.8%), and Vietnam (7.4%). For the first eleven months of the year, Brunei recorded a trade surplus of BND 4,927.0 million, notably higher from BND 4,173.6 million in the same period of 2023, with exports growing by 4.4% while imports were down 1.9%.
Brunéi Darussalam Balance Commerciale Historique
Dernières 12 lectures